+49 (0) 521 44814685 info@eib-consulting.de

S4M – Search for Me Support Page

About S4M

S4M is the short form of Search for me. S4M is a tool that helps you to find relevant information in your microsoft 365 tenant. It searches in all OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams respositories where the current user has at least read permissions. The Search result will be presented in a folder structure or in a flat list – as you prefer. When you found a document or file that meets your search term you are able to view or edit the document directly in the results. (ability to view/edit is controlled by the assigned permissions in OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams).

Add S4M to a Microsoft Teams-Team

You are able to integrate S4M via Teams-Template or by using a Teams-Tab. If you would like to add S4M to a existing Team, just open the corresponding Team and add S4M by using “+”. In de Dialog select S4M.

Add S4M to Microsoft Teams-App Launcher

To add S4M to the App-Panel of Teams select “…” and choose S4M.

Configuration options

Within S4M you have some different configuration options these a reduced “greyed out” if you use the free Version of S4M which is provided by the Office Store.

    • Use global configuration: Not available in free version of S4M
    • Tolltip Field: Not available in free version of S4M
    • Sorting Field: Select a List Field that should be used for Sort your search items. Note: The provided Fieldname must exist in every list that will be searched you may have to create a managed property
    • Sorting Field Type: Please provide corresponding field type (allowed: date, string and number)
    • Result Row Limit: Select result size between 0 – 500
    • Scope Search to current Site only: Do not search the whole tenant but only the current site (maybe relevant if you would like to search only items wihtin a Team or Group)
    • Detailed Search Fields: Not available in free version of S4M
    • Use Detailed Search: Not availabe in free version of S4M
    • Open office documents in their respective WebApp: If turned on, the preview opens the corresponding webapp for docx,pptx an xlsx documents
    • Expand SharePoint results by default: Open the Resultset for SharePoint (only when using “Folder View”)

Result View

You can change the behavior of the result view by clicking on the small gear underneath the searchbar.

Preview Pane

By selecting a result item it will be opend in the preview pane, if you would like to use it in full screen please klick the small resize icon in the upper right corner.


By using the free version of S4M you have acces to our free support page (this page). If you have further questions or if you are interessted in a full version of S4M, please write an eMail to tku@eib-consulting.de. Please also contact us here if you have any questions regarding Microsoft 365 Search possibilities.

EIB Consulting

Die EIB Consulting ist Ihr Partner für professionelle Unternehmensdigitalisierung und Prozessoptimierung. 

Ob vollständige Cloud Transition, Expertenschulungen für den Umgang mit Office 365 oder jegliche Fragen rund um die Digitalisierung Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse: Wir sind für Sie da und freuen uns darauf, Ihrem Unternehmen kompetent und zuverlässig den Weg in die Zukunft zu ebnen.

Bei Fragen zu uns und unseren Leistungen oder bei Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit freuen wir uns, von Ihnen zu hören!


EIB Consulting GmbH
Bunzlauer Straße 12
33719 Bielefeld

Telefon: +49 (0) 521 44814685
Mail: info@eib-consulting.de